Incident report - Confidential

Using this form helps us standardise the format of reports and also obtain the information necessary to determine how to best deal with the issue at hand.
Please submit your report with details of the incident and what action has been taken.
If the incident concerns the safety of staff members and/or students please telephone the office before submitting your report.
--- Please read the below guidance before submitting your report ---
-- The KCC expects the PA to remain on board the vehicle at all times.
-- Please ensure you are seated in a position where you can observe as many students as possible - ideally in the middle of the vehicle.
-- They expect parents/carers to bring students to/from the vehicle.
-- It is strictly prohibited to drop/collect students from any location other than the address you have been given by the office.
-- You/your driver must not alter the drop off/pickup order without clearance from Operations, unless in an emergency.
Your Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Time of incident(Required)
For privacy and safeguarding reasons please only use students initials.
In the case of challenging behaviour please explain how frequently it is occurring and what effect it is having - for example - on other students/the run timings/safety
Please advise how you have dealt with the incident including the actions you have taken including moving a student to another seat, employing verbal distraction, using toys to entertain etc
Behavioural issues need to be reported to parents/carers so they are kept informed. When informing parents/carers - keep communications brief, matter of fact and professional. The majority will be happy to support with suggestions, guidance and toys from home. If behavioural issues cannot be reported to parent/carers please explain the reason.
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